Wednesday, December 23, 2009

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many appliances we have at home? How many electrical appliances? How many LEDs are switched on unnecessarily? In moving to
Pavia my wife and I have chosen household class (today there are also triple A class, eco-labels, etc..) obtaining an optimization of the yield (and therefore lower consumption).

electrical appliances have a transformer, connected to the network, even when turned off, energy, enough to "tap" the transformer ... the energy consumed is converted into heat!
TV, DVD player, stereo, all are equipped with an LED that indicates
the stand-by ... imagine how many LEDs are lit at the national level in a year ... Each family costs about 25 € / year to conceive of 20,000,000 households ... € 500 million unnecessarily "burned" and tons of CO2 emissions and in the 'environment ... sometimes it takes just a little.

Find The Firs Hazards

Water is a primary good, we give little weight when we open a faucet at home. Perceive water as a commodity of little value. Much of the world's population lives in conditions of scarcity of water resources in river basins or have poor sanitation. Saving water is a moral rather than economic. Let us see how. At Home

When we brush our teeth, hands or you take a shower, you should keep open the tap only for the time necessary to bathe and wash. Let the water run while you lather your hands or brushing your teeth is a waste. While shaving
fill the sink with water instead to slide from the tap. Rinse the shaver in the sink. To clean the residue from the face of shaving cream will simply open the tap at the end.
Taking a shower can save gallons of water consumed. Instead, fill the tub means more water use.
not wash the dishes under running water. Fill the soap dish for plates and dishes. Turn on the tap only to rinse them, even better would be to use a dishwasher (at least class A, I recommend!), You save in energy (to heat water and save water, really!). Adjust the float
flushing the toilet less consistent with the ability of water. If possible, install a dual flush economic to use the jet.
Install reducing water flow to the taps. The reduction or air mixtures can reduce water consumption.
Wash vegetables in a basin of water. Avoid using the tap open. The water from the bath can be reused for watering plants, this is a tip a little 'dramatic but as always ... if we did more ...
Check the installation and plumbing. A small water leak over time translates into a large and unnecessary waste. The losses and water infiltration, as well as a waste, can cause damage to the property. Your plumber ( if you are not expert) sees in an instant if your system "lost". In the garden

rainwater can be channeled into collection tanks and to allow the irrigation of the garden, for those who can or will exist in the commercial tanks "First Rain" that collect the water for good water.
Water the plants in the early morning or late afternoon to reduce the amount of water is wasted through evaporation.
Use watering by hand and snap to water only the areas that need it without creating areas of stagnation.
Water the plants at the base. It 'no use to wet the leaves. The water should be absorbed by the ground and roots. Adjust the jet based on the speed with which the soil absorbs the water to prevent areas of stagnation.
Group plants with similar watering needs in the same space, so as to reduce wastage of water.
When washing your car useless to leave open the tap, no?
This chapter has undergone what is probably the major global problem ... with the commitment of all perhaps something in our small, we can do ...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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Lighting Water Heating

Needless to say, but maybe someone still has to gear up ... the energy-saving bulbs, energy class A. .. cost more, they last about 10,000 hours, at least 5 times as much our good tungsten filament, they consume much less ... a 15w light bulb as a 75w incandescent then 75/15 = 5 times less than that for domestic consumption .... All ' external, such as trail paths in what could be better than lamps with batteries that are recharged by daylight? Initial cost and then ... thanks sun! There are marketing and even real "street lamps" Solar

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No more topical in this period. High carbon dioxide emissions, fuel consumption, heating bills with astonishing figures?? Once maybe! If you have central heating (natural gas I hope!) Try to do as we do. Set a start and a temperature appropriate time slots of the day. We have set the switch (from Monday to Friday) programmed from 5.30 to 7.30 and from 16.00 to 22.00, Saturday and Sunday in idem with a shorter interval from 11.00 to 13.00. Needless to operate the boiler system if you are not at home, right? The temperature, we have set as the minimum 17.0 ° C and a maximum of 19.5 ° C (in the living room and then we get in the kitchen 20/21 ° C for the presence of rings). A short temperature range, allowing the walls to remain always "hot" and facilitate the work of the boiler which is never having to start from a low temperature (and hence use much more fuel working at full fire). As by car, constant speed, without acceleration or "maximum speed" ... It really works and the example is a comparison made with the neighbors below. Note that they live between two levels of population, we in the attic, and then dispersing more than ... gas bill in the same period: about 150 € we more or less double their ... If you want to bath in the "hottest" we recommend an electric heater wall (AutoInstall attached photo) Hot Flash (1000w to 5 / 10 min.) And minimum cost (in a space heater would be better because the energy from methane gas is less valuable and costly 's electricity but here sopraggiungererebbero problems for the system gas / flue gas removal).
The hot water ... We set a temperature of 43 ° C, more than enough to take a shower or bathe or wash in general ....